Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Another Satisfied Customer

We love to hear back from our customers! Ben and Casey recently bought a live pig from us to butcher themselves. We had a fun time trying to round up the pig and then load it into the back of a pickup that had a shell on the back. Ben didn't realize that he would be entertained when he came to pick up his pig. I am sure he is still laughing when he pictures Hollie and I running around trying to round up his pig. He is quite the chef as evident by the picture he sent us. I have copied Ben's comments below.

Hey Christiansens,

This is Ben. I picked up the live pig from you last Friday. We made it home safely with the pig still in the bed of the truck. It seemed a little dicey at first. She poked her snout out the corner of the back window a few times and looked like she might try to escape but was very docile for most of the trip after 20 minutes or so of getting used to things.

We killed and cleaned her right away upon getting back to Moab and hung her until today when we started to butcher and divvy up the meat. For dinner tonight we had a cut of loin rubbed with thyme, rosemary, sage, salt, pepper, and olive oil. It was amazing! Best pork I've ever had, and we haven't even gotten into the fattier, more flavorful cuts yet. I attached a picture of the loin pre-broiling. I thought maybe you'd like to see some of the fruits (or... meats) of your labor.

Thanks for humanely raising such great pork. The world, and Utah in particular, needs more agriculture like that.


Thanks Ben for the kind words. Raising pigs the way we do is a lot of hard work but we love it. Half the fun is hearing from customers like Ben. We also appreciate the numerous referrals we have received. This is another way that our customers let us know that they love our pork.

We are now taking orders for a December delivery. We are excited to be finishing this group of pigs on locally grown apples. (In addition to pasture, alfalfa, and grain.) To be placed on our December delivery see the instructions here.

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